Craft Beer, Illustration, käsitööõlu, Packaging

Noblesse from Õllevõlur Brewery

14. Oct 2018 , Comment Off

Õllevõlur Brewery has released a new beer Noblesse, a strong craft beer with slight bourbon taste. I recommend!

Car design, Illustration

Design for Subaru Forester

21. Aug 2018 , 0 Comments

This summer, in cooperation with UIKS Creative I created a cool design for Subaru Forester (client: Mariine Auto). As one can assume, theme for the design was not very difficult to choose:)

Craft Beer, Illustration, Packaging

Beers from Pump Brewery

25. Jun 2018 , 0 Comments

In the beginning of this year Lille Brewery changed its name to Pump Brewery. Since then they have produced three wonderful craft beers: Wambola, Sub-Laim ja Lemon Pai.

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